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Basics of efficient interpersonal communication in global corporations

Would you like to understand the subject of communication at its core? Theoretical knowledge of communication, its meaning and purpose, are essential for a successful interpersonal communication in work environment. This seminar offers a well-balanced blend of theory and practice. Master the theory, exercise in groups and apply the gained knowledge successfully in praxis.

Möchten Sie das Thema Kommunikation im Kern verstehen? Theoretische Kenntnisse der Kommunikation, ihrer Bedeutung und ihres Zwecks sind für eine erfolgreiche zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation im Arbeitsumfeld von wesentlicher Bedeutung. Dieses Seminar bietet eine ausgewogene Mischung aus Theorie und Praxis. Beherrschen Sie die Theorie, üben Sie in Gruppen und wenden Sie das erworbene Wissen erfolgreich in der Praxis an.



Date 22. February 2020
Target audience Entrepreneurs and leaders who want to understand the essentials of interpersonal communication and improve their communication skills for the success of their organization.
Location Landguet Ried Bern
Note: Please note that all meals at the location Landguet Ried are vegetarian.
Duration 1 day
Language English/German
Das Seminar wird auch auf Deutsch durchgeführt.
Prior knowledge No prior knowledge required. This seminar is the ideal steppingstone for other comm.ethics seminars.
Fees CHF 890.00 including welcome coffee and croissant, warm and cold drinks during breaks, vegetarian 3-course business lunch, writing pad and pen, seminar documentation, parking spaces, shuttle from the train station Niederwangen BE.

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