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Communication and well-being

Do you sometimes feel uncomfortable during or after interpersonal interaction? Have you experienced communication practices that were beyond professional terms? Have you ever endangered the work relationship through inappropriate communication? Learn how communication affects our well-being and understand the role a distinguished professional communication plays in the success of a global organization.



Date 22. March 2020
Target audience Leaders, executives and managers who want to understand and improve the impact of communication on individual and organizational well-being.
Location Hotel Boldern, Männedorf (ZH), a unique location above the Lake of Zurich offers a supreme blend of the fashionable Zurich Lake area and the countrylike aspects of the surrounding hills and vineyards.
Duration 1 day
Language English
Prior knowledge No prior knowledge required.
Fees CHF 890.00 including 3-course business lunch, drinks and snacks during coffee breaks (coffee, tea, water, juice), parking and shuttle from Bahnhof Männedorf, writing pad and pen, seminar documentation.

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